Employees are one of the most important resources of any company. Finum has long-term experience in corporate financing and cooperation with leading companies in all areas of industry. It is your partner in choosing the best candidate tailored to your needs.
We closely cooperate with our clients in order to offer various methodologies tailored specifically to your unique business demands.
Our expert consultants work alongside you to determine the most appropriate employment strategy, and the level of service you need in order to choose quality employees who can contribute to your business success and the achievement of your goal.
Temporary employment is an excellent solution for companies in need of flexible workforce which enables the highest level of business efficiency.
Finum keeps a database of potential employees, profiled in advance and ready to start working as soon as possible.
This kind of cooperation allows you to control the number of employees whenever you need, without unexpected and hidden costs.
When you are in charge of the company’s strategic decisions, it is difficult to find a quality person to meet the most challenging demands, while making a quick decision may lead to a wrong choice. In such cases, Finum offers recruitment and placement services. If you have an open position, we immediately arrange interviews with candidates we have personally selected and profiled based on your demands. Finum is always looking for extraordinary candidates who compete for management, sales, administrative and other positions. This allows you to fully manage your company, and to focus on achieving short and long-term goals and excellent results.
Loyalty and connection to the best of the industry are values which define our success. At Finum, the consultants take things one step further in order to get fast, efficient and precise results.